What’s the Difference Between Net Zero and Net Zero Ready

Net Zero and Net Zero Ready

What Sets Them Apart?

Published on: May 23, 2023

The terms “Net Zero” and “Net Zero Ready” are undoubtedly familiar to you if you’ve done any research on energy efficient homes. However, what do they signify, and how do they differ? We’re comparing the characteristics of a Net Zero and a Net Zero Ready Home.

A Net Zero Home: What Is It?

Net Zero Homes generate as much clean energy as they consume. Net Zero Homes are exceptionally well built with additional insulation, high-performance windows, and superior airtightness to reduce heating and cooling needs. They are up to 80% more energy efficient than traditionally built homes. Mechanical systems, lighting, and appliances are all designed to be as energy efficient as possible. And Net Zero Homes use renewable energy technologies, typically solar, to generate electricity.

An Explanation of Net Zero Ready Homes

“PV Ready.” the same efficiency standards as for Net Zero Homes are used to build Net Zero Ready Homes. The sole difference is that solar panels—the renewable energy system—have not yet been implemented. However, everything has already been built and designed to make installing solar panels simple. Consider Net Zero Ready Homes as having been wired for a future renewable energy system so that it is ready to go when the owners can invest in installing solar panels.

What makes a Net Zero Home preferable to a Net Zero Ready Home?

Some potential homeowners still need to prepare to make the upfront investment required by renewable energy sources like solar. You can have a very energy efficient home that is simple to convert to a Net Zero Home when you’re ready by purchasing and installing solar panels.

Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes are much more energy efficient options than traditionally built homes, whether you decide to make the initial financial investment in the renewable energy source now or later. Both options have benefits which include:

“Net Zero Homes, whether new or renovated, produce as much clean energy as they consume. They are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes and use renewable energy systems to produce the remaining energy they need. ”

~ www.chba.ca/netzero
  • Exceptional Value

You are guarded against energy price hikes with Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes. Your utility costs will reach a record low and remain there all year. Furthermore, because these homes are constructed to higher standards (an airtight building envelope, better insulation, and high-efficiency windows), these homes are more durable.

  • Better Living Experience

Better indoor air quality (with fewer allergens and asthma triggers like dust and pollen) and less outside noise result from advanced construction techniques, superior heating, cooling, and fresh air ventilation systems, ensuring consistent temperatures throughout the home. These factors contribute to greater comfort and healthier living for you and your family.

  • Environmentally Responsible

By preserving our natural resources and defending against climate change, all the elements of Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes work together to significantly reduce your family’s environmental imprint.

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